Monday, June 11, 2012

AFI and D-Day Update

Today’s ultrasound went well!  My AFI was 6.8, up from 4.6 last Thursday.  The umbilical cord Doppler was also good.  She’s still doing great on the monitor – no changes there. 

The technician also pointed out that the LW has some chubby cheeks, although they were hard for me to see because she always has her hands up by her face.   Even though this wasn't a full growth ultrasound, I know she’s growing because I’m getting bigger (and more uncomfortable).  And it's music to my ears to hear that she’s fattening up!  The bigger and stronger she can be, the better.    

Now for the exciting part… we have a likely birthday for the LW!!  My C-section has been scheduled for Monday, July 2.  That’s 21 days, folks!  21 DAYS.  Of course, it could be less than that if the LW decides to come early, and we all know that she likes to call the shots around here.  If she happens to turn into a head-down position, I would be induced that day rather than scheduled for a C-section.  But things are getting really cramped in there, and it’s harder for her to turn with low amniotic fluid, so I have a strong feeling that she’ll stay where she is.  

I’ll be 38 weeks and 2 days on July 2, 1 week and 5 days shy of my actual due date.  Almost all gastroschisis babies are born early, either on their own or by doctor’s orders.  Because the intestines get more and more irritated the longer they are exposed to the amniotic fluid, they like to get the babies out and on the road to recovery as soon as they reach full lung maturity, which is usually at 38 weeks.  (In case you’re wondering, I will not be getting an amnio to confirm lung maturity because they think it is too risky given the low fluid levels and the exposed bowel.)  So my doctors all agree that 38 weeks is an ideal time to deliver.  Let’s just hope that the LW concurs!


  1. Way-to-go, Schmekkels! Three weeks! So happy about all the good news!
    G-Ma Mek

  2. Yaaay !! Hang in there Littlest Warrior !! And ask mommy to give you more bacon ;)

  3. Chubby cheeks! I also hear she is very organized. . . hummmm. . . I know someone else who is very organized! Love ya!

  4. How exciting! 3 weeks!!! July TWO! That's a magic number ;)

  5. Exciting news! A little cancerian with chubby cheeks! Can't wait to see her xoxox
