Saturday, June 9, 2012


All about baby…

  • Average baby weighs about 5.25 lbs and is about 18 inches long
  • Baby continues to add fat and put on weight
  • Brain & nervous system is undergoing a growth spurt
  • Touch-sensing nerves develop their myelin sheath, the envelope that surrounds the nerves and helps them transmit impulses. 
  • Babies born between 34-36 weeks gestation are considered “late preterm.”  These babies can have some short-term health issues but generally do as well as full-term babies in the long run.  

All about me…

Total time in hospital: 4 weeks, 1 day
Total Weight Gain:
34 lbs
Bellybutton: Mostly an innie with some parts that are starting to pop out
Stretchmarks: Nope
Baby position: Frank breech
Sleep: Some nights I sleep well, other nights are harder because my back hurts.  I go off the monitor at midnight and get woken up at 6:00 am to go back on, so I don’t sleep for more than 6 hours a night.  But I take plenty of naps.  So overall I would say sleep is pretty good.
Symptoms: Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions (usually about 2-6 per hour), fatigue, shortness of breath (baby’s head is right up against my diaphragm), reflux, runny nose & occasional nosebleeds
Food Cravings: Bacon! I’m on a mission to fatten this kid up. It’s hard work being an Incubator.
High Point of the Week: Erik stayed the night on Thursday and worked from the hospital on Friday, so I get four days in a row with my favorite hospital buddy. :)
Low Point of the Week: Finding out my AFI had gone down again at Thursday’s ultrasound
One Thing I Miss About Home:
The kitties.  I can’t believe I haven’t seen them for 4 weeks!  I could really use some cuddles from Maverick right now. 
What I’m Reading: The Hunger Games, and it has totally sucked me in!
What I’m Looking Forward to:
Hmmm, having this baby and finally going home?  Yeah, I’m looking forward to that.
Next Milestone: The next big one is 37 weeks – full term! 


  1. Aw... my beautiful girls - all in one package for now!

  2. It is so nice to see the pics of you walking around and getting outside. I can't imagine being couped up for so long.... Please let me know if there is anything I can send you.

  3. Everything is looking good! Vivian put it best, beautiful girls all in one package! How are Erik, Mav and Goose doing?

    1. They are doing well. I need to do a post with a kitty update...

  4. Our little one was diagnosed 12 days ago and I'm loving your blog. You're giving me so much hope and helping me to stay optimistic in spite of your long hospital stay :-)
