Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Smiley Girl

Because who doesn't love a smiling baby?

She's an old pro with this toy now.

At daycare.


In other news, Lucy recently made it through her first cold.  She ran a low-grade fever for a day and had a stuffy nose for a couple of days.  By Day 3 she was back to her old self.  Whew!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thanksgiving Pics and Growth Spurtin'

Mmmm, pie...

Lucy had a great time at Thanksgiving.  She is the first kid in our family in a long, long time, so it was quite unusual to have a youngster hanging out with us this year.  (And we found out another baby is on his way - congrats Cousin Tracey!!)  Lucy was a good girl and didn't cry too much, even though she got really sleepy towards the end.  She got a lot of, "What a good baby!" comments.  We tried a few times to put her down for a nap but there was just too much excitement for that. Lucy also got to meet Erik's Uncle Jim and Aunt Anna for the first time.  All in all it was a very successful trip!

Lucy and Grandma Viv

Lucy and Uncle Jim, the Baby Whisperer!

Notice the outgrown pants, which I will get to in a minute. 
Thanksgiving dinner

Lucy and Aunt Gina

Lucy and Aunt Mary

Lucy and Aunt (soon to be Grandma!) Christine

Lucy and Uncle Michael
Lucy and Aunt Bea.  I call this one, Woman in Trees with Baby.
Saving the best for last.  Lucy and my sweet, wonderful Nana.

The LW is also in the midst of a serious growth spurt.  Don't believe me?  Just look at the data!  (I know, I have problems).

Find this ap at http://www.baby-connect.com

She now weighs 13.5 lbs.  More importantly, she gained 1 lb in less than 2 weeks!!!  That's an average of over an ounce a day.  That's a pretty phenomenal rate, especially for a baby her age.  1- to 6-month-old babies usually gain 1-2 lbs PER MONTH.  She was hanging out around the 9th percentile for quite a while.  Then she skyrocketed, seemingly overnight, up to the 16th!

I don't have to tell you how important it is that she's gaining weight.  Not only is she slowly but surely catching up with her peers, but it means that her intestines are healthy and functioning, taking the nutrients from her food and distributing them to the rest of her body.  How many times can I say how happy and proud we are of her?  Well, we are.  Big time.

What does this mean for Mom and Dad?  Lots of waking up throughout the night.  The last couple of weeks have been really tough in that respect.  She can't seem to eat enough (the daycare ladies have also noticed it).  It's hard work being a growing girl!