Tuesday, March 26, 2013

And She's Off!

Hi folks!  I apologize for the break in the action.  Life has been a little hectic lately.  Lucy's cold ushered in a nasty upper respiratory infection.  She has had a horrible cough for over a week now and we are all sleep deprived because of it.  The cough is so bad that it triggers her gag reflex and makes her puke.  So far I've been puked on 6 times and Erik has been puked on once (not that I'm counting).  Then to top it off, she also has an ear infection, so she's on antibiotics until Wednesday.  But (fingers crossed) I think we're finally on the upswing, as the days seem to be getting better and not worse.

Feeling poopy.

But... all this hasn't stopped the LW from reaching some seriously exciting new milestones!  As you may have guessed from today's title... Lucy is officially crawling!!!

Right now she's just moving a couple of feet at a time, but I'm sure that will change in no time.

We also had to lower the crib mattress as she's now sitting up in her crib and looking over the edge.  

Whoa, there's a whole room on the other side of this crib?!

And of course, she turned 9 months old!

9-month birthday pic
Also, here are a couple of videos taken after the cold but before the cough.  I can't wait to have my silly, happy girl back!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

All is Well

Two minutes with Lucy.
Not a lot to report here in Lucyland...

Lucy just recovered from a pretty rough cold which caused her to run a fever of up to 102 for about a day and a half.  She's on the road to recovery, but mom and dad are now sick.  The joys of living with a germmonster!

Lucy is REALLY trying to crawl.  She can get up onto all fours and lunge back and forth, but she hasn't quite figured out what to do with her arms and legs.

And still no teeth!

Other than her recent cold, everything is status quo around here, which is just how we like it!