Thursday, July 5, 2012

All Smiles :)

Lucy did well with her feeding from this morning, so she got another 3 mls this afternoon!  If she keeps that down they'll try another 4 mls tonight.  Here's what she thought about her 2nd feeding...

This should be illegal.
Also, Grandma and Grandpa are visiting and helping us out tremendously around the house.  Grandma got to hold Lucy for the first time today and Lucy loved every moment of it.  It was what I call a Good Lucy Day!

Grandma and Lucy

Okay.  THIS should be illegal.


  1. She's so tiny and precious :) This little sweetie has been through a lot, and she's strong, like her parents. I'm sure she'll be home in August, I have faith in that :) Much love to you guys ! <3

  2. You need to have that smile framed!
    Love to all!
