Tuesday, January 8, 2013

10,000 hits!

Holy crap!  This blog officially has over 10,000 hits!!!

It brings a smile to my face to know how many of you want to keep up with the L-Dub and her adventures, and I'm sure Lucy will get a kick out of it some day, too.  While the main purpose of this blog is to keep our family and friends up to date, it is still very important to me to serve as a resource to other gastroschisis families.  When we first got Lucy's diagnosis, I remember voraciously scouring the internet for any stories that could give me some sense of what was to come.  Even though you know every case is different, it still helps to have something, anything, that you can relate to.  One blog in particular really helped me come to terms with our situation and gave me the strength and faith I needed to keep moving forward in a positive mindset.  So that's one big reason why I decided to share our story, and why I will continue to write gastroschisis-related posts from time to time, even though it is starting to feel like a distant memory.  (One post that I've always wanted to write, and still plan on doing at some point, is Lucy's birth story.)  On that note, THANK YOU all for following our journey and continuing to come back for more!

Here are some recent pics of Lucy doing all sorts of big girl things, including eating in her high chair, sitting up unassisted, and MCing a DJ set.

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