Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Someone Likes to Hear the Sound of Her Own Voice

Well, our Amtrak adventure was a huge success!  The train was like a magic baby sleep machine and Lucy slept through most of the ride.  When she wasn't sleeping she enjoyed playing with Mom, looking out the window, walking through the train cars, and of course, eating!  She cried for maybe 5 minutes the whole trip.  Even the passengers next to us commented on what a good baby she was.  Whew!  Ironically, after posting about how safe the train is compared to driving, there was a derailment on the same line we had just traveled on three days before.  Quite a few people were injured but fortunately nobody was killed.  Disturbing?  YES.  But so are car accidents, and I still plan on traveling by train in the future.

Lucy has become quite the talker lately.  The other day I captured her on video having a heated conversation with her crib mobile.  Did I mention this kid has an intense personality?


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