Sunday, September 23, 2012

Three Months Old!

Why, hello there!
The chubster in her new big girl seat.

Lucy celebrated her three-month birthday this weekend.  (Cue the cliché expressions here)… Where has time gone?!  Everyone says they grow up so fast, but it's really true.  

This age is really fun, and I’m sure it only gets better.  Parts of her personality are starting to emerge and we’re able to interact with each other much more.  To be honest (and I know I’m not the only person who’s ever said this), babies are kind of boring for the first couple of months.  Extremely cute, yes, but not exactly brimming with personality.  They pretty much sleep, eat, and poop, and for a while you’re not sure if they know the difference between you and the next door neighbor.  But at a certain point you start to see that glimmer of recognition in their eyes, and they smile at you, and they start to remember things and express their obvious likes and dislikes.  And you start to realize that you’ve created a person who is just beginning their journey in life and will have their own unique story.  Okay, that’s enough philosophical musing from me!  What do we know about this munchkin after three months?

She’s tough.  If you’ve been following this blog you know that Lucy has lived up to her name as the Littlest Warrior from Day 1 (and even during my pregnancy for that matter).  She seems to take whatever is given to her and deal with it in stride.  When she’s uncomfortable she doesn’t curl up and cry; she fights whatever it is, be it gas, hiccups, exhaustion, or a binky that’s just out of reach, with every ounce of strength she has in her.
She’s adventurous.  She tends to get irritable if we’re in the house all day.  She loves going out and seeing new things, and the more there is to take in, the better.  She doesn’t mind unfamiliarity, even if a place is crowded or noisy (this goes for new people as well).  Sometimes we’ll drive and other times we’ll take the bus and subway with her strapped into the Baby Bjorn.  

She’s easily bored.  She requires a lot of mental stimulation.  The same situation gets old quickly.  Each day is a game of musical chairs to keep her entertained.  We’ll hang out in one room, then go to another.  We’ll lay down and cuddle, then I’ll hold her and walk around.  She’ll hang out in the baby swing, then chill out on the play mat for a while.  

She’s intense.  I don’t quite know how to explain it, but she’s got an intense personality.  She seems to be deeply focused on whatever is going on in her world at the moment.  She’s not a grouchy baby, but I wouldn’t call her a relaxed or happy-go-lucky baby, either.  When she’s happy she’s ecstatic, and when she’s upset she makes sure everyone knows it.  Everything in the middle seems to be intense concentration.  

It will be interesting to see if these traits continue to hold as she gets older. Until then, Happy Three-Month Birthday Miss Thang!  Mommy and Daddy love you pretty bad. :) 

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