Wednesday, November 14, 2012

NICU Halloween Reunion Party

Did somebody call for a Cupcake Fairy?

Each year, CPMC hosts a Halloween Reunion Party for all the babies who were patients in their NICU.  This was a very special day for us, not only because we were reunited with the amazing nurses who cared for our daughter, but also because it represented an important emotional milestone for us.  Each night during my 6-week stay in the hospital, Erik and I would walk the halls to get some exercise and a change of scenery.  We would always pass by the NICU and I would think to myself, "There's the next step. We just have to get there."  It was both exciting and terrifying.  Exciting because that was the place where they would save our daughter's life, and terrifying because we didn't know how rocky of a road it was going to be.  Outside the NICU doors they have a cork board with photos of NICU reunion parties from years past (they've been doing this for over 40 years!)  When the fear would hit, I would glance over at that board and think to myself, "That will be us someday, after this is all over."  Lucy was originally due in July, so we were pretty sure that she would be out by October.  So to us, the Halloween party marked the end of our ordeal and the beginning of our new life as a family.  Well, that day is here, and it's just as awesome as I imagined.    

Family Portrait, Halloween 2012

We had a wonderful time, including the Cupcake Fairy, who slept through most of it.  And I only teared up once. :)

Nurse Jennifer and her cute little man.  Jennifer was in the OR when Lucy was delivered and assisted with the removal of her silo

Nurse Anna, Lucy's primary night shift nurse.  She greeted us with, "Is that my baby?!"
The amazing, amazing Nurse Mary.  You may remember Mary from such posts as, "Visiting With the NICU Nurse" and "Good News and More Good News!"  
Lucy still loves her some Nurse Mary. 
This was in the middle of a DJ playing for a bunch of screaming, dancing kids.   


  1. This Cupcake Fairy business is over the top. I'm so glad you guys had a great time! I remember looking at the pics of past NICU Halloween parties with you guys. It feels like so long ago!
