Thursday, January 9, 2014

18 Months Old

Lucy is 18.5 months old now, and boy are we busy!  She says a lot of words and is starting to say short sentences, usually when asking for "more" of something (More num nums!  More kitty!  More ba-ba!)  She understands most of what we say.  Whether or not she complies with what we say is a different story...  like most toddlers, she is quite the headstrong little thing!  She is definitely flexing her independent muscles and is regularly testing when and where mommy and daddy will draw the line.

Her favorite game is "night-night," where we all have to pretend to go to sleep and then wake up.  In order to play night-night, everyone involved requires the following: 1 pillow, 1 blanket, and 1 doll.  And of course, Lucy also needs her gocky (which is what she calls her binky because it has a duck, or "gock," on it).  No one can go night-night until each item has been secured in place.  Then we all lay down, pretend to snore, and then jump up and say, "good morning!!!"  Repeat 500 times.

She also knows how to operate an iPad, including swiping the button to turn it on and finding and opening her favorite apps.  She is really, really into it.  Currently her favorite app is Freight Train, which she calls choo-choo.  It's crazy, but I guess that's the world we live in!  Imagine - kids Lucy's age will never know a world without the internet or smartphones.  Fortunately we've been able to find some really cute, educational, and interactive apps.

Here she is doing some talking and animal sounds.  She's actually talking a lot more (and a lot more clearly) than this, but as you can see, it's tough for me to take videos these days without my phone being commandeered.  So this will have to do for now.

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