Monday, June 4, 2012

AFI Update

Today we had an ultrasound to check on my AFI and the umbilical cord Doppler.  My AFI was 8.6, the highest it’s been since I was admitted to the hospital!  This still isn’t high enough to go home, but I’m not even thinking about going home at this point.  The important thing is that it’s not falling below a 4.0.  The Doppler was fine too which means that there continues to be good blood flow through the umbilical cord.  Everything else is pretty much the same.  Her bladder is still distended, but the kidneys look fine.  The stomach is still out.  There is some dilation of the outer intestines (which is normal) but no dilation of the intra-abdominal portion of the intestines (which is good).  She’s still passing her fetal monitoring sessions with flying colors, and I’m back to one hour every four hours on the monitor.  

We usually don’t get very good ultrasound photos these days because of the low fluid levels, but today we got a decent shot of the Littlest Warrior’s face.  If you look closely you can see the outline of her nose, lips, and chin.  I think the white line down the side of her face is her tooth buds.  I can’t wait to lay some serious smooches on those cute little lips!

The Littlest Warrior, 34 Weeks


  1. Great news - thanks! I can't see her face in the ultrasound though. Guess I failed the Rorschach! I'm still standing on my head trying to figure it out! Love, G-Ma Mek

  2. XOXOXOXO for our Littlest Warrrior!!!!

  3. How exciting!!! So glad she's taking extra mommy time and staying in her cozy little home you've made. I usually never see what's going in these things but... I can make out the outline of her cute little face! Love and hugs to you and Erik.
