Friday, August 22, 2014

We're back!

Me & my big girl
Greetings, everyone!  Sorry for the long break.  What can I say.... working full time, chasing around a two-year-old, and being pregnant don't leave me with much free time (or energy) these days.  But all is well at the Mekkelson household!  Lucy turned two in June (birthday party pics to be posted soon) and is a real character.  She's talking up a storm and saying the funniest things.  I really need to start writing them down.  She also saw her dad play a show for the first time (that she can remember) and is now enjoying "playing her horn" just like Dad.  

Also, everything is going well with the pregnancy!  I'm 32 weeks (7 months) and there have been no bumps in the road whatsoever.  Baby Max is due on October 14, and is actually measuring on the larger side (67th percentile at our last ultrasound earlier this month).  Imagine that!  Night and day from my last pregnancy, so I like to think that karma is paying me back in spades. 

For those who don't know, my sister is pregnant as well, and our due dates are only 2 days apart!  How special is that?
