Can you believe the LW is only 2 months away from turning a year old?! Here are some highlights from the past month.
We have teeth! She cut her two bottom front teeth a few days ago. You can't see them yet, but you can feel them.
She's now eating finger foods pretty much exclusively. At some point she decided that she wants to do things herself (I have no idea where she gets that from) and started pushing the spoon away when we tried to feed her. So now we just give her whatever we're eating, cut up into little pieces. And man, can she eat! She throws back almost everything we put in front of her and can eat some pretty impressive quantities. I hear it's common for them to become pickier as they get older, so I'm enjoying this phase while it lasts!
Italian meatball soup
She's crawling all over the place and can pull herself up to standing (very proudly, I might add).
She claps and dances to music.
She is consistently going to bed between 7:00-8:00 pm and waking up around 7:00 am. She'll occasionally wake up once in the middle of the night, but it's pretty rare these days.
LUCY IS SUPER STOKED THAT THE WARRIORS MADE THE PLAYOFFS!!! Having been born on Championship Day last year, the NBA Playoffs are in her blood.
Most importantly, Lucy is one happy little girl. She smiles and claps all the time, cracks up when she's tickled, and is starting to hug and "kiss" us. This is such a fun age and we are really enjoying it!
The big news around here is that Lucy has slept through the night for 3 nights in a row! And I'm talking sleeping through the night for reals. Usually there is at least one night waking around 3-4:00 am. But lately the LW has been hitting the hay around 7-8:00 pm and sleeping until 7-8:00 am. She's also getting better at going down drowsy, but awake, rather than needing to be rocked or bounced to sleep. Hopefully these good sleep habits will last!
Lucy is doing much better! Her cough is mostly gone and last night she slept through the night for the first time in a while. She is crawling all over the house and is having all sorts of fun exploring her new world. She seems to be a much happier girl now that she's mobile and has some independence. I feel like she went through a frustrating phase around the 8-month mark because she wanted to move so badly but couldn't quite figure it out. Now she has the ability to not only investigate things, but also follow us from room to room when we move out of sight.
The adventures of a crawler!
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like she's grown up A LOT in the past 2 weeks. The crawling seems to have ushered in a slew of new big girl developments. She's also eating cheerios now, trying to copy us when she babbles, and just generally LOOKING older. They're not lying when they say kids grow up fast!
Here's mommy having a little fun...
We also had to bust out the pack 'n play so that we have an area to keep her contained when we need to. It was fun for about 10 minutes until mommy walked out of the room and she realized its true purpose.